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Homelessness advocate and author Diane Nilan stops by the NCTV17 studio on book tour

Diane Nilan began the national nonprofit HEAR US in 2005 to give voice and visibility to children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness. Nilan travels in a small camper across the country and creates films about the people she encounters who are experiencing homelessness. 

Many assumptions are made about people experiencing homelessness, and Nilan says a major misconception is about work. 

“In a lot of the families, the parents work,” says Nilan. “If you want to think about the complications of childcare, your kids in school, and your kids getting sick, and you’re trying to hold down a job, and you have no place to save money.” 

Homeless children in DuPage County

Homelessness in DuPage County is not new. Nilan says that schools in DuPage County have identified about 3,000 students experiencing homelessness, but Nilan adds that the number is most likely much higher. 

“That does not include the kids that don’t get identified because they just get missed, or they don’t know they’re homeless,” says Nilan. “It doesn’t include babies or toddlers or the youth that are not in school. So, we would say, easily six or seven thousand homeless kids in DuPage.” 

The Three Melissas – THE Practical Guide to Surviving Family Homelessness

During her travels, Nilan met many people experiencing homelessness, and three of them stood out. They were all named Melissa, and they are all mothers. 

“I thought, what if we did a book of three Melissas talking about homelessness and maybe offering their tips to surviving family homelessness,” says Nilan. “They’re moms who are expected to do the impossible with the least amount of resources.”

This will be Nilan’s fourth book. Previously she published: 

Host: Liz Spencer, NCTV17 Executive Director

Guest: Diane Nilan, HEAR US Founder & CEO

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