Waubonsie Valley High School Music in Our Schools Varsity Concert

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The 2019 Waubonsie Valley High School Music in Our Schools Varsity Concert concludes an entire month of celebrating ‘Music in Our Schools’. Waubonsie Valley High School’s Wind Ensemble, Chamber Strings, Varsity Choirs and Symphony Orchestra filled Wentz Concert Hall Thursday, March 14.

About Waubonsie Valley Music

Each WVHS varsity band ensemble is a graded curricular class that meets daily. Each band class focuses on the study and performance of various styles of instrumental music through a variety of performing media, critical listening, and analysis.

Each ensemble has the opportunity to survey music history, compositional technique, improvisation, careers in music, and experiences in electronic music technology. There is also a strong emphasis on the development of individual musicianship.

More from WVHS

For more information on the Music in Our Schools Varsity Concert, please visit www.wvhsmusic.org and watch more performances brought to you by NCTV17.