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Meet Allison Albert Indian Prairie 204 Board Candidate

Allison Albert is running for the Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education in the 2025 Naperville Consolidated Election.

Allison Albert is a parent and business owner

I’m originally from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I attended Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans. Like most HBCUs, XULA places a heavy emphasis on community service. It was there that I realized the profound impact that education has on a community. That experience really shaped my approach to life, emphasizing the importance of learning, growth, and giving back. Three days before Hurricane Katrina, I moved to attend graduate school at Hampton University in Virginia. 

I’ve been blessed with an amazing husband and 3 beautiful children. We moved to Aurora 12 years ago with a 3-year plan to move back south. However, we were in for a surprise when we fell in love with this community. So, we decided to stay and bring a little piece of Louisiana to Aurora, by opening our shaved ice business, Bayou Chill, in 2015. After spending several years in education, I transitioned into running the business full time, which has been a rewarding challenge.

Albert is running because she is a stakeholder in the community

There’s a quote by Lily Tomlin that perfectly summarizes me and my choice to run. It reads: “I always wondered why somebody didn’t do something about that. And then I realized I was somebody.” I’m running because I‘m somebody who cares, and I’m a stakeholder in this community. I’m a parent, educator, homeowner, and business owner. My husband and I, like many others, chose to raise our family in this area because of this phenomenal school district. We have amazing teachers, involved parents, and an engaged community. Most of our children are doing ok academically. However, we have lots of room for growth. 

As a former educator, curriculum writer, and professional development specialist, I saw first hand some of the deficits we are facing in the classroom. We have an achievement gap amongst our students that can be reduced with evidence based, best practices. I believe that I could offer a unique perspective, helping to make decisions that support students, teachers, and parents. 

Albert’s top priorities are the curriculum, professional development, and diversity

1.) Replacing our outdated curriculum with evidence based curriculum 

2.) Providing quality professional development opportunities for educators

3.) Building a more diverse and equitable community in which all students have the opportunity to thrive

A note from NCTV17

The written content above was submitted by the candidate. The video interview was produced by NCTV17 as part of the Meet the Candidates series. All candidates running for the 2025 Naperville Consolidated Election were interviewed using the same question format.

The placement of this interview on our website does not represent an endorsement of the candidate. 

Naperville Community Television is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to creating an informed, connected, and empowered community.

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