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Meet Allison Fosdick Indian Prairie 204 Board Candidate

Allison Fosdick is running for the Indian Prairie School District 204 Board of Education in the 2025 Naperville Consolidated Election.

Allison Fosdick is a parent and professor 

I’ve lived in Naperville for over 30 years and am a proud product of the public schools. My husband and I have four children–two are district graduates, one is a Neuqua Valley student and our youngest is at Gregory Middle School. I’m currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at North Central College where I teach academic writing, but I’ve spent the majority of the last 25 years focusing my time on my family and civic and social responsibilities. 

Some of my favorite roles have included serving as an Art Awareness volunteer at Spring Brook Elementary and being an active participant (either on or off stage) in Magical Starlight Theatre, our local community theater.

Fosdick is running to give back to her community

My reason for running is two-fold–first, I was raised with the belief that we have a responsibility to give back to our community and to do our part to make where we live the best it can be. Second, my own children have gotten an incredible education and as a family, we’ve had a wonderful experience being a part of District 204. Volunteering my time to serve on the 204 school board is a beautiful blend of giving back to my community while trying to do my part to help ensure each student and family in our district has a great education and experience. 

I’ve spent much of the last three decades in volunteer leadership roles, from PTA president to HOA director, and have served for almost four years on the 204 Board of Education. As a longtime community member, parent, and educator, I have a multifaceted perspective and am honored to be able to represent our community.

Fosdick’s priorities are keeping the maintaining the high functioning school board, considering student voices, and expanding advocacy for the district

If re-elected, my top priorities are pretty straightforward. First, I am dedicated to continuing to be a productive member of our high functioning board. We’ve received the Board Governance Award from the Illinois Association of School Boards every time we have been eligible for it over the last decade, and our commitment to excellence is a critical part of serving as servant leaders. We respect and value differences of opinion among the seven of us, but are focused above all on what is best for the district and students. I’m incredibly proud to be a part of that.

Second, I’m committed to continuing to ensure we seek out, value, and consider student voices in our district. I’ve been really lucky to be one of the two board members over the last four years who has worked with some of our high school students to create our Student Advisory Board. These students help bring student opinion and voice to the board discussions and decisions, and I’d love to work on growing this channel of communication between the board and the students we ultimately are there to serve.

Finally, I’d like to focus on expanding advocacy for our district and students at the state and federal level. I’ve had the pleasure of serving as the Illinois Association of School Boards legislative delegate for the past two years on behalf of our district. In that time, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with state and local lawmakers to discuss issues that affect our educators and students such as prioritizing public education funding, the federal child nutrition program, and mental health of our staff and students. Ramping up that advocacy for our students is a responsibility and privilege, and I look forward to the challenge.

A note from NCTV17

The written content above was submitted by the candidate. The video interview was produced by NCTV17 as part of the Meet the Candidates series. All candidates running for the 2025 Naperville Consolidated Election were interviewed using the same question format.

The placement of this interview on our website does not represent an endorsement of the candidate. 

Naperville Community Television is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization committed to creating an informed, connected, and empowered community.

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