Nationwide test of emergency alert system later today
FEMA and the FCC will be conducting a nationwide test of the emergency and wireless alert systems today at 1:20 p.m. CT. Here’s what to expect on your cell phone, radio, and TV.
Naperville City Council increases parking lot regulations
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Naperville City Council unanimously approved an amendment to the Naperville Municipal Code to increase regulations at municipal parking lots.
The new standard prohibits entering a parking lot for any other purpose than traveling or walking to a vehicle or bicycle.
Naperville Deputy Police Chief Jason Zbrozek said this change is to address the high rate of nuisance calls in parking decks.
D203 Project Lead the Way teacher and program recognized
The Technology Education Association of Illinois (TEAI) recently named Jenn Krzak as teacher of the year for her role in implementing Project Lead the Way curriculum in Naperville School District 203.
Project Lead the Way is a project-based learning program that incorporates science, technology, engineering, and math. The program itself was also recognized by TEAI as middle school program of the year
Each year TEAI gives awards to individuals and programs that make significant contributions to the field of technology and education, which are the core concepts integrated into Project Lead the Way.
DuPage County opens new Family Center playground
On Tuesday, DuPage County officials and staff held a ribbon cutting to mark the opening of a new playground at the county’s Family Center at 422 N. County Farm Rd. in Wheaton.
The play area will be available for kids to use during supervised parenting time, with the hopes of improving connections and communications with their family members through some fun outdoor play. Each month, more than 50 children spend supervised parenting time at the DuPage County Family Center.
The roughly 2,800-square-foot playground was built using $211,02 in federal funds. It features swings, four-square, hopscotch, a basketball hoop, and two picnic tables.
Local athletes advancing to state in girls golf
A number of golfers from Neuqua Valley High School, Waubonsie Valley High School, and Benet Academy will be advancing to state in girls golf. Find out who will be making the trip to Decatur for the competition this Saturday.
Also of note: walking away as the sectional champs this year was Neuqua Valley. It’s the first sectional crown for the Wildcats since 2002.