Fox Valley Mall To Reopen
Fox Valley Mall will be reopening to shoppers on June 1, with some new guidelines in place. The mall will operate on a reduced schedule for the first 30 days to allow extra time for cleaning and disinfection, and will maintain a 50% occupancy. Each individual store or restaurant within the mall will determine its own re-opening schedule. Dividers at entries and exits will help direct traffic flow, and shoppers will be encouraged to wear masks, follow social distancing rules, and wash or disinfect their hands frequently. High contact amenities like drinking fountains will remain closed, with other high-touch surfaces being disinfected at regular intervals throughout the day. Food court tables will be removed, with food court restaurants packaging food in to-go containers. The mall has also announced the addition of Pandora, now open, and MISH MASH Adventures, coming in July. For complete details, go to the Fox Valley Mall website.
Cantigny Park Limited Reopen
Wheaton’s Cantigny Park will be re-opening with some limitations starting Monday, June 1. Grounds-only access to the park will be offered to Honor Club members and Cantigny Park members from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week. Attendance will be capped at an appropriate level, and social distancing guidelines will be enforced to ensure public safety. Cantigny plans to re-open to the general public early this summer.
COVID-19 Test Site Coming to DuPage County
The DuPage County Fairgrounds may soon be host to a state-run COVID-19 drive-thru testing site. At yesterday’s county board meeting, DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin announced an agreement with the state had been made to form a partnership to develop a COVID-19 testing site in DuPage County. The site, planned for the DuPage County Fairgrounds, is tentatively set to open June 4 and operate for up to 12 weeks.
Virtual Drag Queen Bingo Fundraiser
360 Youth Services is hosting a bingo fundraiser with a twist. Their Virtual Drag Queen Bingo Fun-Raiser will be held Friday, June 5 at 7 p.m. Drag Queen Muffy Fishbasket will be calling out the numbers for a fun kick-off to Pride Month. Those interested can sign up for one of the 100 screens available on the 360 Youth Services website.
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