THC product sales examined | D203 school day change concerns | IPSD 204 teacher Golden Apple finalist 

NCTV17 news update slate for February 21, 2024 with cannabis leaf and THC gummy bears in background for THC sales examined story
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Report to examine THC product sales in Naperville   

Naperville’s existing ordinance restricting the sale of such THC edible products as gummies, cereal bars, and assorted beverages to consumers age 21 and up is back under the microscope after a referral from a member of the city council.

During the “new business” portion of Tuesday’s Naperville City Council meeting, Councilwoman Jennifer Bruzan Taylor asked to have a report generated on the effectiveness of Naperville’s current ordinance concerning THC product sales.

Learn more about what prompted that request.

Proposed Naperville District 203 school day changes bring more concerns

Students, teachers, and parents have once again raised questions and concerns about the proposed Naperville School District 203 school day changes.

At Tuesday’s school board meeting, speakers commented on the proposed adjustments to start and end times, as well as the potential shift from traditional schedules to block schedules in middle and high schools.

See what the public speakers had to say, and how D203 officials responded.

Neuqua Valley teacher named as Golden Apple Award finalist

An English teacher at Neuqua Valley High School has been named as a finalist for the 2025 Golden Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching.

Gillian Schneider is one of just 30 teachers to make the list, according to a news release from the Golden Apple Foundation.

Read more about Schneider’s teaching style, focused on creativity, connections, and collaboration.

College of DuPage chooses new president

The College of DuPage Board of Trustees has chosen Dr. Muddassir Siddiqi as the college’s new president. His appointment was confirmed at Thursday’s board meeting in a unanimous vote.

Siddiqi previously served as Vice Chancellor of Instructional Innovation and Digital Strategy at the Houston Community College System. He’ll now become the eighth president at COD, succeeding Dr. Brian Caputo who retired in 2024.

Siddiqi will officially start his new job on July 1. Until then, Dr. Christine M. Hammond will continue serving as interim president.

School safety contest at District 204 sparks creativity around serious subject

Indian Prairie School District 204 recently held a school safety contest,  tasking students with creating a poster or public service announcement – either hand-drawn or digitally – about the importance of reducing threats, whether real or a hoax, to their schools.

More than 200 students across all grade levels responded with submissions. 

Check out some of the designs and learn when winners will be announced.