Tornado yard damage cleanup | Human West Nile case | Vietnam Memorial Wall

NCTV17 News update slate for August 25, 2023 with construction equipment doing yard cleanup at home
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Yard cleanup to help homes impacted by 2021 tornado begins

Yard cleanup efforts for homeowners impacted by the June 2021 EF-3 tornado that swept through Naperville have begun.

Though the large debris was removed early on, small particles of metal and glass debris remained in the soil, creating a hazard. Learn more about what’s now being done to restore the yards and who has helped in those efforts.

Naperville man has first human West Nile virus case reported in Will County

The Will County Health Department says the first human case of West Nile virus (WNV) in the county this year was contracted by a 74-year-old Naperville man.

He became sick the first week of August, but after being hospitalized, is now recovering. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) says there have been 12 total human cases of WNV reported in the state this year.

WNV is transmitted by mosquitoes. Eight out of 10 of those infected do not develop any symptoms. But one in five who are infected may develop a fever along with flu-like symptoms, and one in 150 infected can have a more severe reaction affecting the central nervous system. Mosquito mitigation techniques such as using DEET-based repellant, wearing long pants and shirts, and removing standing water from yards are recommended to help defend against bites.

Mayor discusses application guidelines for boards and commissions

Naperville Mayor Scott Wehrli along with the League of Women Voters of Naperville (LWVN) held an information session on Wednesday about the role of the city boards and commissions. Learn more about the updated guidelines and the application process.

Vietnam Memorial Wall may come to Riverwalk in November

The Naperville Park District may be bringing back the replica Vietnam Memorial Wall display from November 9 to November 14.

The display is an estimated 233 feet in length and has the names of over 58,000 service members who died in Vietnam. It was last displayed in Naperville in 2015 as part of the Healing Field of Honor at Rotary Hill. The current proposal is to construct the display near the Grand Pavilion on the Riverwalk. It was discussed during Thursday night’s Naperville Park Board of Commissioners meeting.

The Veterans Day ceremony that is typically held at Veterans Park would instead take place at the wall display on November 11 at 11 a.m. in celebration of the 50th anniversary of when the last American combat troops left South Vietnam in 1973.

Weekend weather outlook

Though the excessive heat warning is now over, Friday will see more warm temps, with a predicted high of 93 degrees. There’s also a slight chance of showers later in the day.

The weather will cool off on Saturday, with partly cloudy skies and a high of 78 degrees. Sunday will see much of the same, with a predicted high of 77. Keep up to date with the latest forecast through NCTV17’s weather webpage.