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Video gaming at local bars | Sophia Pursley to West Point | Riverwalk Fine Art Fair

Video gaming at local bars | Sophia Pursley to West Point | Riverwalk Fine Art Fair

Local bar and restaurant owners want video gaming

During its Tuesday meeting, the Naperville City Council received an earful from local bar and restaurant owners during the public forum portion of the meeting. Nine speakers implored city officials to consider video gaming allowances to bring in a new revenue stream.

The local owners cited competition in nearby communities, where video gaming is allowed, as well as other factors, such as rising operating costs, that have weighed on their bottom lines in recent years. Several owners also shared concerns about the new Block 59 development impinging on their profits.

At this point, it remains uncertain whether the council will take any next steps. None of the council members made a referral on this matter during the new business portion of the meeting agenda.

Benet Academy’s Sophia Pursley follows family footsteps to West Point

On a team filled with division-one talent, Sophia Pursley is making her mark not only as a volleyball player but as a future leader in the U.S. Army.

The Benet Academy senior recently committed to West Point to continue her academic and athletic career, a decision that connects deeply with her family’s military heritage.

Learn more about Pursley’s goals for her time at West Point which are centered around leadership, service, and hard work.

Naperville settles $25.5 million wrongful conviction lawsuit

Also Tuesday, the Naperville City Council voted favorably on an agreement linked to the $25.5 million settlement on a federal wrongful conviction lawsuit to the estate of William Amor.

Terms of the settlement include a $7.5 million transfer within the city’s budget, finalized through the adoption of an ordinance, to account for its share of the settlement costs. Naperville’s insurer will cover the balance.

Amor, who died in January 2023, was acquitted of murder and arson charges in 2018 after a second trial was held. The terms of the settlement stipulate that the city of Naperville will not appeal the case.

DuPage County Board to hold one night meeting this fall

The DuPage County Board will follow last year’s practice and hold another night meeting this fall. Board members touted the change-up as an effort to make their meetings accessible to all community members.

At its most recent meeting Tuesday, Sept. 10, the board voted to hold the night meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 12. Most county board meetings are held in the morning, at 10 a.m.

Riverwalk Fine Art Fair set for Sept. 21 and 22

The Naperville Art League is hosting its 39th annual Riverwalk Fine Art Fair on Saturday, Sept. 21, and Sunday, Sept. 22. The free event will run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on both days along Jackson Avenue and the Riverwalk in downtown Naperville.

The fair will feature work from 110 of the top artists from around the country, along with live music, children’s activities, and plein art painting demos. Food offerings will be available at the event.

The art league expects more than 45,000 art enthusiasts at the weekend fair. For more information on the event, visit the Naperville Art League website.

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