95th Street/Book Road Intersection

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The city recently held an open house at the 95th Street Library to give residents the chance to make suggestions and raise concerns about the intersection of 95th Street and Book Road.

“We have a hard time getting off of Rebecca Court onto Book right now,” said Marti and Rich Palmer who live near the intersection. “So we were wondering what kind of capacity and what was going to happen to us if they do some expansion.”

Residents suggested things like adding right turn lanes and redesigning business driveways near the intersection.

Safety is the primary reason for the redesign and there were charts on display showing a high rate of crashes at the intersection, with 27 last year.

“This intersection has about twice as many accidents as a normal intersection of this type should have, so that’s a concern,” said Kevin Nelson, a consultant on the project. “Thankfully we haven’t had the fatalities there, knock on wood, but the number of accidents is a concern to the city.”

City officials will use the information gathered at the open house to create a proposal to present later in the summer with construction expected to begin in 2020.

For those who couldn’t attend the meeting, comments will be accepted through Tuesday, June 5. Email Project Engineer Kelly Dunne at dunnek@naperville.il.us to provide feedback.