Turning Pointe Autism Foundation does a lot more than just raise awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder.
They’re educators – offering a therapeutic day school for kids aged middle school and up with extra professional support to help those with the disorder succeed.
“All of our students are supported by a classroom teacher, a full-time aide, and clinicians, we have two occupational therapists, two speech therapists and we have support from four different board-certified behavior analysts,” said Carrie Provinzale, executive director of Turning Pointe Autism Foundation.
Beyond the classroom, Turning Pointe has a kitchen and model apartment to teach its students essential life skills like cooking and laundry. And it has therapeutic rooms like the sensory room and the occupational therapy gym.
For high school graduates, Turning Pointe has its Career College to help prepare students for employment by giving them hands on experience in places like the Inspiration Café, a model Walgreens, and other locations.
“That way when they go into the interview they can tell the manager they already know how to do the job,” said Provinzale. “It’s a great competitive edge and helps change the statistic that students with autism are woefully under employed.”
Providing the missing puzzle piece to help students with autism reach their full potential.
Naperville News 17’s Blane Erwin reports.