Carl Azuz Visits Crone Middle School

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Carl Azuz Visits Crone

CNN 10’s anchor Carl Azuz is somewhat of a celebrity at Crone Middle School.

Both teachers and students are big fans of his, that’s why one seventh grade student decided to reach out to him by writing a letter.

“My original plan was to have him video call us so that he wouldn’t have to leave Atlanta. Knowing that his time is precious we didn’t want to waste any of that,” said student Briana Harris. “But then he told us that he could come here and that just blew away the proportions.”

Carl Azuz and CNN 10

Azuz talked to the room full of excited seventh graders about the evolution of CNN 10 and his career at the news station. The show’s 10-minute format helps teachers keep their students informed about local and global news.

“He does such a great job with his energy of getting the kids interested in the news and making sure that the kids can start to look at what’s going on around the world and around them,” said seventh grade teacher Kristen Mclaughlin.

And keeping that spark in the young audience is one of the news show’s goals.

“One of the best compliments we get is from parents who tell us that their kids are able to sit at the dinner table and discuss world issues with them,” said Azuz. “If we’re able to give them that down the middle information that they can take and then decide for themselves how they want to apply it in the future, we’re doing our job well.”

Connecting With Students

CNN 10 isn’t just known for delivering news.

Azuz’s infamous puns are a hit with the students, which is why the anchors of Crone’s very own news program, Panther Monthly, had to ask about them when they turned the tables on him.

The news anchor has also become a meme, but he takes it all in stride and enjoys any way the students connect with the show.

“It’s a lot of fun interacting with students to find out what questions do they have, what have they always wanted to know after watching our show for 10 minutes a day. To hear what their points of interest are and what kind of sparks their excitement about the show,” said Azuz.

After his presentation, students asked him their burning questions and snapped a quick photo.

Naperville News 17’s Aysha Ashley Househ reports.


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