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District 203 Schools Rank High in Illinois

Naperville District 203 schools have the second highest rating in the state, coming behind Chicago Public Schools.

According to the Illinois State Board of Education’s 2018 Report Card, 13 schools in District 203 earned an exemplary rating for its student test scores reaching the top 10 percent statewide and with having no underperforming student groups.

Of the 248 schools in DuPage County, 51 were rated exemplary, which includes the 13 from 203 and six from Indian Prairie District 204.

“We’re in a great spot in terms of showing growth. Straight out of the gate, you know how many schools that are exemplary right? We don’t have a lot of competition at this point. So that is heavily weighted on growth,” said Patrick Nolten, the assistant superintendent of student assessment and accountability at 203.

The 2018 Report Card is Illinois’ new school rating system. The 203 board recently discussed the ratings along with an overall academic achievement update.

Administration found that 203 ranks in the top 67 percent for SAT English Language Arts and 70 percent SAT mathematics. In comparison, the state benchmark for ELA proficiency is 32 percent and for math is 34 percent.

Naperville News 17’s Christine Lena reports.

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