DuPage County gives funding boost to 13 local food pantries

a variety of peppers and other vegetables at food pantry
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The DuPage County Board will be giving a funding boost to local food pantries. On Tuesday, the group voted to provide $626,144.05 to be distributed among 13 pantries, as part of its Local Food Pantry Infrastructure Investment Program.

Capital and IT needs for pantries supported by funding

The money will aid the pantries with capital equipment purchases, along with information technology needs.

“Food insecurity continues to be a pressing need in this County. We believe these investments will build a framework that will support food pantries into the future and continue to find new and innovative ways to get fresh food to those who need it most,” said Human Services Committee Chair Greg Schwarze in a news release from DuPage County.

Ongoing effort to fight food insecurity

The allocations are part of an ongoing effort by the board to help support the capital needs of local pantries. The funding has come through American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

Over the past two years, the county has given more than $7 million to support local food pantries.

For this round, distributions range from $784 to provide a laptop to St. Pius X Conference/St. Vincent de Paul, to $98,690 to provide a walk-in cooler and backup generator to Bloomingdale Township.

Other needs being met include funding for the provision of kitchen items to DuPagePads, such as ovens and a refrigerator; a cargo van and forklift for Hands of Hope Food Pantry; and a refrigerated van for HCS Family Services.

A full list of the funding distributions can be found on the DuPage County website.

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