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DuPage County organization giving $200K to support mental health, substance abuse aid

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The DuPage Council on Strengthening the System for Mental Health & Substance Use Care (DCSS) will be allotting $200,000 in grant funding to expand mental health resources in the community.

The funds will support projects focused on improving mental health, treating those with substance use issues, working on prevention and harm reduction. 

Expanding access to mental health, substance use treatment

Adam Forker, executive director of the DuPage County Health Department, discussed the organization’s drive to improve local services.

“This funding opportunity reflects our commitment to supporting programs that address mental health and substance use in DuPage County,” he said in a news release. “We look forward to partnering with local organizations to expand access to prevention, treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services for our residents.”

Who can apply for funding?

Applications are open and those encouraged to apply include charities, local government organizations, and behavioral health and substance abuse treatment providers.

Project proposals must be geared towards DuPage County residents, and those focused on treatment must accept Medicaid and individuals who are uninsured.

“Our goal is to reach into the community and support strategies that provide vital help for families who are struggling with mental illness and to find programs that reduce the impact of substance use on our communities.” said Deborah Conroy, DuPage County board chair and DCSS co-chair. “Making investments in local, grassroots efforts today will change outcomes and help us reduce pain, addiction, and stigma.”

Any organization awarded grant funding will be required to submit a progress report and final report. Grant awards are expected to be between $25,000 and $100,000.

The application deadline is March 7 at noon. More information about the application process is available on the DuPage County Health Department’s website.

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