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E-Cigarette Epidemic Amongst Teens Prompts a Vaping Forum

The number of lung illnesses that seem to have a link to vaping is on the rise – and on Friday, August 23, the first death from this type of illness was reported – right here in Illinois.

With vaping growing in popularity, particularly among teens, communities are taking notice, and action. Here in Naperville, an event was held at the Alive Center to discuss the harms that come from vaping.

Vaping Forum

The “Let’s Talk Series: True Effect of Vaping” forum was hosted by Naperville’s 360 Youth Services, along with District 203’s S.U.C.C.E.S.S. parent group.

Part of the discussion highlighted how e-cigarette companies market their products toward young adults.

A report by the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention says in 2016 40.6% of e-cigarette ads were on the internet, reaching over 10 million minors.

And social media can help the problem spread.

“A lot of teens and students, such as myself, like to post videos and photos of themselves using devices,” said Jordan, a sophomore at Naperville North. “And it can create curiosity and it also can create a need wanting to be cool or even because they’re bored.”

Number of Vaping Related Illnesses

In their latest report, the CDC noted 193 cases of lung related illnesses with a potential tie to vaping throughout the United States. Five of those admissions were at Edward Hospital, according to Aaron Weiner, director of addiction services at Linden Oaks Behavioral Health.

He says what’s found inside of e-cigarettes could be causing harm.

“There a lot of different carcinogens, chemicals, and heavy metals that have been found in vaping and also second-hand vaping aerosol. So, just because it doesn’t have the same smell of smoke doesn’t mean those chemicals aren’t in there,” said Weiner.

A Berkeley study found as many 31 toxic chemicals in e-cigarettes, including some that can cause popcorn lung, which is fatal in some cases.

Naperville News 17 Christian Canizal reports.

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