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Fishing Popularity Grows During COVID

Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been desperate for ways to have fun in a safe manner, while enjoying the outdoors. One activity that checks all those boxes is fishing. A relaxing pastime that according to DuPage County Forest Preserve Fisheries Ecologist Dan Grigas, has never been more popular.

“I’ve talked to some people, especially anglers, who have indicated that they have never fished before or they haven’t fished in ten or twenty years,” said Grigas. “Now they have some time and opportunity to finally do that type of activity or bring new people into the fold, such as kids or grandkids. People looking for a chance to get outside and not be cooped up in their house.”

DuPage and Will County Fishing Spots

Both DuPage and Will counties provide dozens of locations for novice or experienced anglers to cast their lines. Spots like Whalon Lake in Will County, Silver Lake in Blackwell Forest Preserve, Herrick Lake, and Hidden Lake Forest Preserve down the street from the Morton Arboretum are just a few of the more popular spots in the area.

“The Department of Natural Resources as well as the Forest Preserve District of DuPage, along with numerous other forest preserves including Cook County have fishing guides we put out. They have a lot of information about lake locations, access, amenities, what type of fish you can find in those locations,” Grigas explained.

Nature Connection

With the guides providing locations and what fish you may find, fishing equipment to essentially suit your every need can be found at local sporting good stores. Fishing supply shops are also good options. Even if fishing isn’t your preference, the forest preserves can still provide plenty of opportunities to connect with the outdoors.

“It’s a good time to go out and try to reconnect or bring your kids or your nephews or nieces. Try to get out and enjoy some of the outdoors, whatever that might be because we have so many preserves that offer not only recreational value but scenic beauty. And there are plenty of opportunities for folks to stay socially distanced and still enjoy themselves.”

So while the weather is warm, school is still out and outdoor activities remain our safest option, feel free to drop your line in the local waters. Ice fishing season will be here before you know it! For Naperville News 17, I’m Justin Cornwell.

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