Forest Preserve Projects

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The Forest Preserve District of Dupage County wants you to be a part of their five year plan.

The group recently held an open forum at the Municipal Center to discuss improvements for their forest preserves.

Those in attendance were asked their likes, dislikes, and what they’d like to see changed in the future.

“The forest preserve people here were incredibly receptive to just getting ideas without any kind of agenda. I think it was just wonderfully managed in a very easy going and comfortable way,” said Marilyn Schweitzer, Naperville resident.

Some ideas brought up include more benches and signs, cleaning up trails, and easier access to staff.

Public opinion will be taken into account as the district forms its five-year master plan to improve the preserves.

“So these public input meetings are really important where were actually getting to talk to people, and so we’re finding out what people on the street really think about what we do as the Forest Preserve. Those are opinions we don’t hear everyday and so this is really an opportunity for us to get out, find out what your average person is thinking in Dupage County,” said Landscape Architect Supervisor Jessica Ortega.

The district also plans to conduct random surveys through the mail and to collect opinions online.

Naperville News 17’s Dimitri Villanueva reports.