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Naperville joins in on National Coffee with a Cop Day

The Naperville Police Department (NPD) had a special Chat with the Chief event on Wednesday, which timed out perfectly with National Coffee with a Cop Day.

Since 2016,  the NPD has invited the community for a cup of coffee with police personnel through the chat series, this time landing at the Starbucks at 1532 Aurora Ave. Chief Jason Arres says they have really become listening sessions.  

Chief Jason Arres and team meet with residents

“One of the biggest things brought up today is traffic complaints, and speeding vehicles…trucks in certain areas that aren’t on truck routes,” said Arres. “But then there’s general safety questions too, like ‘what are some ways I can better keep my house safe and protect my home from burglars and things like that?’”

On call today, Chief Arres brought his team that serves the area and neighborhood around the local Starbucks.

“We had a commander here with us, a sergeant, and a patrol officer, because it’s, you know, that way you’re talking to everyone,  the patrol officer who’s out in the beat of this area. Good opportunity for him to hear from the residents that live in the area that he protects and serves,” said Arres. “Gives everybody a chance to meet us and see who’s really taking care of your neighborhood.”

According to the Arres this coffee talk was one of the best in the eight years of the program.  He believes it’s proof that the department is on the right track.  Arres says people want to have access to him and his staff, and this type of gathering is a great opportunity to do just that.

Coffee with the Chief held at new Starbucks location

It also helped highlight this new Starbucks location in town, which was happy to host Chat with the Chief on this National Day.  Arres says it worked perfectly as the department was due for an event in this part of town and it is very close to the main police station. 

“Every single person gets face time with myself or someone from my staff, and that’s something that’s hard to get, you know, we’re a busy, busy city, big city. We’re busy,” said Arres. “It’s hard to get direct access like that. You will get direct access at a Chat with the Chief.”

“Chat with the Chief” is hosted several times each year in various locations throughout the city. More information about the series can be found on the city of Naperville’s website.

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