Naperville Park District Passes 2020 Tax Levy

board of commissioners
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In the final Naperville Park District meeting of 2020, the main topics of discussion for the board of directors were taxes and budgets.

2020 Tax Levy Passes

The Park District passed the 2020 tax levy of 21,685,241 despite one commissioner voting against it. The 2020 levy ended up totaling less than in 2019 due to the decision to keep property taxes flat for the 2021 budget due to the pandemic.

The Levy was approved with a 6-1 vote. Commissioner Bill Egan was the lone dissenter, reasserting his position from last year that “It’s time that we realize that the best place for a dollar is the taxpayer’s pocket and not the government’s.”

After voting against the 2019 tax levy, Commissioner Josh McBroom voted for approval this year due to the levy remaining flat.

2021 Budget Approved

The 2021 Park District budget was approved with another 6-1 vote. The 2021 budget was approved at $41,638,957 with the appropriated amount of $45,802,852.  Commissioner Egan was once again the lone vote of dissent.

The 2021 budget will support capital projects that help the District develop, expand and take care of parks and facilities to serve the community.

One major project that began in 2019 and will be completed in 2021 is the development of Wolf’s Crossing Community Park in the southwest area of the city. Most amenities in the new park were completed in fall 2020, allowing the community to begin enjoying features including the playground, challenge course and trails.

Other capital projects planned for 2021 include five playground renovations.

Sled Hills and Skate Rinks

While there have not been many signs of winter weather in recent weeks, Park District sled hills and ice skating rinks are prepared to open after the next major snowfall. Sled hills will open once there are at least two inches of snow and no visible grass. Outdoor skating rinks will open after multiple days of extreme cold to make sure the ice is frozen over.

Once there is enough snow, cross country skiing is permitted on the trails at Knoch Knolls Park as well.