Naperville Park District reports progress on strategic goals        

Progress report given on Naperville Park District’s strategic goals
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Naperville Park District staffers recently provided an update on a three-year strategic plan document that began early last year and stretches through the end of 2025.

A number of goals outlined in the plan have been achieved at the midway point of the multi-year planning exercise, including a marketing effort touting job opportunities across the district, the prairie nature garden at Centennial Park and work toward maintaining a strong bond rating against the debt portfolio.

At a Park Board meeting on Thursday, July 25, Executive Director Brad Wilson outlined several additional key components within the plan, which was assembled in 2022 after the district entered into an engagement activity with the Northern Illinois University Center for Governmental Studies.

Naperville’s indoor recreational space assessment  

In his recent report to the Park Board, Wilson touched on one large-scale planning activity that is outlined in the strategic plan and has been under the microscope this summer.

“We continue work on the indoor recreation space needs assessment,” Wilson said. “As a part of the project, the district gathered community feedback, using a variety of methods, including focus groups, stakeholder interviews, open houses, a statistically valid community survey and a survey open to the entire community.”

Wilson indicated a full report on the space needs assessment, with recommendations for potential next steps, will be presented this fall.

Staffing and fee assistance  

Wilson in his report also touched on several other initiatives outlined within the strategic plan that have been completed or remain works in progress. When it comes to employee retention and recruitment, the district is embracing a moniker known as “careers grow here.”

As a part of the district’s pledge to onboard and staff top-tier workers across various positions, officials have been conducting interviews with current employees to hone in on growth opportunities and flesh out department-specific goals.

“The information gathered is being used to develop growth opportunities for staff to benefit both the individual and the position,” Wilson said. “The feedback gathered will be used for the development of department goals.”

The district has been ramping up its fee assistance opportunities with equity in mind, Wilson indicated. This year, the district has experienced a 36% increase from eligible residents interested in seeking out assistance.

“We’ve already awarded over $26,000 in fee assistance through the month of June,” Wilson said.

 An ongoing process  

Wilson said work on the district’s strategic plan is ongoing and remains a forward-looking work in progress.

“We’ll continue to work toward achieving the goals identified in the strategic plan,” he said.

Mary Gibson, president of the Park Board, said she was pleased with the information conveyed within the report.

“I appreciate the update,” Gibson said. “I know the whole process, when we made the strategic plan, took a lot of time and effort. With these semi-annual updates, it’s really important to show that we are purposeful.”

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