A.D.O.P.T Pet Shelter in Naperville has faced a challenge for the past year, operating largely without hot water.
“Nearly a year ago we discovered our water bills were very, very high. And we couldn’t figure out what the issue was,” says Kallie Horner, the development coordinator with A.D.O.P.T.
A leaking pipe leads to pet shelter issues
The problem? A pipe connected to the hot water heater was leaking, causing damage behind cabinets and under the floor. The pipe was isolated and shut down, but doing so cut off the shelter’s access to most of its hot water.
The areas now without hot water include the large trough sinks for dishwashing and the animal bathing areas.
“The sinks still run water, but they are cold. So while we are still following all the proper sanitation protocols, it’s been difficult on our staff and volunteers,” said Horner.
Bath time for animals requires staff to fill up a bucket from the limited hot water that is available to help with the task.
A.D.O.P.T pet shelter seeks community help
Initially, a donor came forward to aid the shelter with their repairs. But when the funding fell through, staff looked to the Naperville community for help. They initially set a fundraising goal of $15,000.
“We have exceeded our goal,” said Horner. “We are absolutely thrilled.”
However, Horner says they won’t know the total cost of repairs until they fully determine the extent of the damage.
“They’re going to have to tear up the kitchen floor and get behind the cabinets, and we know there will probably be more repairs that come along with it,” said Horner.
Anticipating a high price tag for the fixes, the shelter continues its fundraising campaign
Any donations above what they need for repairs will go toward a worthy cause, Horner says.
“We can focus all of our funding on the care of the animals directly,” said Horner.
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