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Naperville Public Library’s Winter Reading Program

Though students will soon head into winter break, that’s no reason for them to let their reading slip away

The Naperville Public Library is rewarding its reading through their Winter Reading Program that is already underway at all three locations in Naperville. The program last until January 19 and to join all you’ll need to do is pick up a reading log in person or online.

How and What Can You Win?

“Once a child has a reading log they’ll pick a daily goal to read everyday. It might be a certain amount of minutes they want read, pages, or a certain amount of books every time they finish a daily goal they’ll color in one of the icons. Once they do that 10 times they can come in for a prize,” said Corey Ganbarg, a children’s services supervisor at the Naperville Public Library.

If you finish all three levels, you’ll walk away with a free book. In addition, the library has also partnered up with the Chicago Wolves for their Winter Reading Program, and will be raffling away tickets to their games.

Who Can Participate?

The Winter Reading Program is for those in fifth grade or below, but teens can take part in the Teen Reading Contest, from December 20 through January 10. They can win prizes as well.

Readers will also get to do some writing this winter, as they can pen a letter to a senior in a local housing home.

Naperville News 17’s Christian Canizal reports.




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