Peace Rally at Simmons Park in Aurora

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Peace Rally

This afternoon, a Peace Rally was held at Simmons Park in Aurora, organized by lawyer Shoranda Roberson.

The goal of the event was to share what the black community is looking for and to make systemic changes.

“Because no one has yet to ask us what would bring peace, what would make us stop protesting, what would bring some type of light to the situation?” said Roberson. “So I created a demand letter and it’s all reasonable things.”

One item on the demand letter and petition – how to remove a name from the Aurora gang database. Roberson said if someone has changed and left that life behind, their name is still recorded on the database.

Another request is to have Aurora police officers live in Aurora.

A Step Toward Change

One step toward change will be happening tomorrow.

Congressman Bill Foster announced the House of Representatives will be introducing legislation that is the democratic response to Black Lives Matter.

“It’s not just going to be one thing. It’s going to try to get to many of the root causes – the economic injustice, the behavior of police when they’re not behaving in the way everyone believes they should,” said Foster.

Additional speakers included other local officials, community activists, community members, and Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin who mostly came to listen today.

“I hear you and I feel you,” said Irvin. “I feel your heart when you talk about we’ve been oppressed and held down for so long right here in the city of Aurora.”

Demand Letter and Petition

As of this recording, just over 1,000 people have signed the petition online. A paper copy was also going around at the rally for additional signatures.

A hopeful step, to make change and move forward.

Naperville News 17’s Aysha Ashley Househ and Kevin Machak report.


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