Benet Academy girls volleyball win Wheaton Classic Championship over Marist

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Two premier volleyball programs meet up at the Wheaton Classic as the Benet Redwings face off against the Marist Redhawks. It’s the 15th straight year of the tournament that either Marist or Benet played for the championship and the fifth time the two have faced in the final with each team beating the other twice. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

Benet Academy girls volleyball make a run in the first set

Launching things off in the first set, Benet’s Gabby Stasys is set up well and spikes one to start the Red Wings up 3 to 1.

Tied at 4 to 4, Marist receives a spike well and Bella Bullington gets a kill and takes Marist’s first lead of the match at 5-4.

Leading 13-11, Marist shows off their defense as Hannah Hosty and Jessica Kurpeikis shut down the spike attempt to take a 14-11 lead.

2 points later, Ellie Stiernagle sets up Lynney Tarnow who stops the Marist rally and cuts it down to 15-12.

Tarnow’s spike starts a Benet rally, that culminates in another great play from the sophomore who puts Benet ahead 17-15 with her block.

Leading 21-18, Benet runs their full attack where Audrey Asleson delivers a kill from the right side to extend the lead to 4.

Marist gets another chance to get back in the set but the Benet defense holds to take the first set 25-20.

Redwings and Redhawks fight for the title in set two

Looking to bounce back in the second set, Marist sets up Bella Bullington who starts things off right with a spike down the right sideline.

Tied at 6-6, Taylor Kunka’s serve is all the Redwings need to score as her ace makes it 7-6.

Up 12-10, Benet continues their serving success as Marist is unable to return Aniya Warren’s serve.

A few points later, Tarnow comes up huge again as the sophomore’s kill puts Benet ahead 16-11.

Marist looks to stay alive in the match as they receive Tarnow’s spike and Briana Hill responds with her own spike to cut it to 18-14.

With Benet leading 19-17, Ellie Stiernagle stops Marist’s rally in its tracks with a spike that inches the Redwings closer to the win.

Tarnow serves on championship point and Marist’s Hannah Hosty’s spike goes out of bounds, ending the set at 25-18 and granting Benet Academy girls volleyball the Wheaton Classic championship. The Red Wings have won the tournament in back-to-back years now and improve to 15-1 on the year.

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