Metea Valley girls cross country wins 2023 Aurora City Invite

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It’s a beautiful and breezy Saturday morning for a race as we head to East Aurora for the Aurora City Invite, where Metea Valley girls cross country and Waubonsie Valley are among the teams competing. This year’s race was moved due to last-minute construction not being done in time at Waubonsie. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

Metea Valley opens the race towards the front

Right out of the gate Aurora Central Catholic leads, Metea’s Maya Hall, and Kamea Baker trail shortly behind. The Mustangs ended up on top at last year’s invite.

We’re on Lap one, where Rosary’s Chiara Surtz and Vivan Wyller mirror one another while Metea’s, Hall, is within a few steps. Baker and Keira Nelson for the Mustangs are within striking distance, and Zoe Kirkman follows closely behind.

Into the second lap, once again Rosary is in the lead, with Wyller and Surtz one-two and ACC’s Cecilia Hilby in third. Metea’s Nelson is close to the top three and Hall is a few strides behind her.

Mustangs running to the top

Later in lap two, Metea’s Baker, and Waubonsie runners Katherine Heap and Lily Baibak try to move the Warriors up on the board. Waubonsie finished fourth as a team at last year’s invite.

Finishing in first place is Rosary’s Vivan Wyller with a time of 18:47, and her teammate, Surtz, takes second place. ACC’s Cecilia Hilby is in third, and Mustang Keira Nelson takes fourth place with a time of 19:22.

Metea Valley are the Aurora City Invite champs for the second year in a row with a team score of 45 and finish ahead of Rosary with a 63. Waubonsie Valley ends in third with a team score of 74.

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