Metea Valley girls volleyball sweeps St. Charles North for a regional title

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It’s the IHSA Regional Final at Metea Valley High School as the Mustangs host the St. Charles North North Stars with a spot in the Sectional semifinals on the line. To get here, the North Stars beat their rivals, St. Charles East, while the Mustangs defeated West Aurora in the regional semifinals. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

Mustangs rally to edge past the North Stars in set one

Katie Schuele serves this ball for the Mustangs. Kyra Treanor connects with her North Star teammate, Noelle Nyman, for the Kill. The North Stars are up 10-7 in the first set.

Addison Torain is up serving for the Mustangs while the North Stars look to build on their lead. Mia McCall tips this ball to Alex Bardouniotis for the kill. The Mustangs can’t get to it, and the North Stars lead by three, 12-9.

The Mustangs look to rally back into this game and look at this incredible effort from Anna Murphy on her kill. The first chance doesn’t go through, and Schuele sets her up again, but the North Stars keep the ball in play to stay alive. Torain sets up Schuele, who sets up Murphy again, and this time, the Mustangs break through with a kill and trail 12-10.

Treanor is on serve for the North Stars, with the Mustangs fighting back. Camille Morrison goes for power with this kill, as Julianna DiTusa can’t keep it in for the North Stars. The Mustangs are inching closer, trailing 14-13.

Kelly McGrath set to take this serve as the Mustangs push to tie the game. The North Stars keep this one going as McCall goes for the kill; however, Ava Guzaski makes a great defensive play. Schuele connects with Morrison for the kill, and the Mustangs tie this one up at 14.

The North Stars look to get back into the lead in this one, but Schuele has other ideas as she taps this ball to put the Mustangs in front 16-15.

We are tied at 23 in the first set. Schuele sets up Morrison once again, and she buries this kill to put the Mustangs ahead 24-23.

Schuele is up serving for set point, and as the North Stars play the ball back, Olivia Stewart gets to the net first to secure the point for Metea. They take the first set 26-24.

Metea Valley cruise in set two to win another regional championship

We are tied at four all in the second set, with Ava Kashuba serving for the North Stars. Mustang Maddie Hopkins keeps it in play for Schuele, who tips it to Stewart who gives Metea a 5-4 lead in the set.

The North Stars are trying to fight back in the second set down by five but can’t stop the duo of Schuele and Stewart as they get another point for the Mustangs and take a 15-9 lead.

Torain is ready to serve this ball for Metea, and she crushes it for the kill, and the Mustangs take a commanding 18-11 lead.

Bardouniotis is serving for the North Stars, but the ball goes out of play, and that’s it. Metea takes the match two sets to zero, 26-24, and 25-13 to win its third straight game and clinch another regional title. They will play Glenbard West in the Sectional Semifinals on Monday.

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