Metea Valley girls volleyball takes down Neuqua in straight sets

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Metea Valley girls volleyball travels to Neuqua Valley, where the Wildcats are trying to avenge a loss to Naperville Central a few days ago. Meanwhile, Metea Valley tries to build off a 2-0 win over Waubonsie, their 13th sweep of the year and 15th overall. This highlight is sponsored by BMO.

Neuqua girls volleyball gets the action going from Taylor Pierce’s kill

Early in the first set, Neuqua’s freshman setter, Seanna Larbi, is handled by the Mustangs before senior Katie Schuele sets up junior Olivia Stewart for the kill.

Moments later, Schuele finds senior Maddie Hopkins for her first kill of the evening.

Neuqua would chip away into a heavy deficit after a timeout was called, with senior Taylor Pierce using a soft touch for the kill.

Katie Schuele goes on a serving run for Mustang volleyball

Shortly after, Hopkins would log her first ace of the match to make it 7-1 in favor of the Mustangs.

Midway through the first, the dealer was nice to the Mustangs, especially Schuele.

After another kill, it’s just ace, after ace, after ace. Some pinpoint precision grows the Mustang lead even more. They’re up by over 10 points.

In the final few rallies of the first set, Neuqua’s Larbi wins the battle at the net with Metea’s senior Cheliyah Mattox before alternating nice crosscourt kills with Hopkins – who finds the back corner with an assist from Schuele. The next possession, Larbi puts enough spin on the ball to nick the back line.

However, Mattox would redeem herself shortly after, winning another battle at the net. Metea takes set one, 25-12.

Metea Valley girls volleyball easily wins the second set against Neuqua

Stewart would set the tone in the second set with an early block before Neuqua’s senior Lauren Scmidtgall uses a lighter touch to secure the point over Stewart. The next serve, Stewart replies in turn with a monstrous spike.

Neuqua’s junior, Ella Cole, meets two defenders at the net and records a nice block for the Wildcats after nearly landing the kill.

Junior Mustang Ava Guzaski got dealt a good hand, logging another ace for her team. They finish the night with seven aces

Neuqua would start to mount a comeback, with help from a Schmidtgall kill, before senior Mustang Addison Torain would slam the door shut. Later on, one of the longest rallies of the night would end with another clubbing hit by Torain. The Winthrop commit finishes with six kills.

Match point for Metea, and Schuele’s serve can’t be returned in play as the ball goes beyond the back line. Mark it as 5 aces on the match for Schuele, and they take set two, 25-15.

Metea Valley comes away with another straight-set victory on the year, climbing to 2-0 in conference play while Neuqua Valley falls to 0-2. Next, the Wildcats participate in the Kaneland Tournament on September 28, and the Mustangs host Naperville North on October 1.

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