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Kiwanis Club of Naperville

The Kiwanis Club of Naperville’s motto is, “We make things happen.” Not only does the club raise money for local charities through events such as the annual Pancake Festival and Peanut Days, the club is a hands-on, volunteer service organization.

Kiwanis members volunteer their time at a number of community agencies and organizations such as DuPage Senior Citizens Council, Family Shelter Service, Kids Matter, Loaves and Fishes Community Services, Naperville Cares, Special Olympics, DuPage Children’s Musuem, Samaracare, Teen Parent Connection, and Operation Support Our Troops.

The Kiwanis Club of Naperville helps build the spirit of volunteering through local high school Key Clubs. They also sponsor a Builder’s Club focused on leadership development at local middle schools. And, the club supports North Central College CKI volunteer programs.

The club meets every Monday evening at 6:00 pm on the 3rd floor of Edward Hospital Education Building located in Naperville, IL. Membership is open to all. To check it out, join the club as a guest for dinner to learn more about the service and social opportunities available through the Kiwanis Club of Naperville because, Together we can all make a difference.

For more information about the Kiwanis Club of Naperville, visit their website.

Spotlight Guests:

Michael Marx, President
Dave Cleveland, Chairman, Pancake Festival

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